Sunday, August 31, 2008

Is that Ronald McDonald?

No, hang on... it's Ryan Blinman.

Ryan loves shoes and thought he might try mine on when he saw them lying in the living room the other day. Whenever he sees them now, he will wear them. I think it's because they are big enough for him to slip them on easily and not too big, that he can't walk in them. They are also a very light pair of shoes. Doesn't he look cute? :)

Progress Update

It's been more than a month since my last post! I haven't had the time to update it as a lot has been happening.

Ryan hasn't been too well this month. It started off with Hand, Foot and Mouth disease which he got from daycare. His hands were slightly red but he had it quite bad in his mouth. On top of that, he was teething at the same time so it wasn't very pleasant for him.

It was at that time he started waking up a lot in the middle of the night. As he was unwell, we got him into our bed. What do you know? He doesn't want to get back in his cot anymore. In order for all of us to get some sleep, we ended up buying a double bed and one of us sleeping with him. It's not ideal but it's better than not having any sleep.

After he got better from his HFM disease, he had a cold. Got better for a while and now, he's got conjunctivitis.

He also fell down the other day and scratch his nose and has a big scab at the side of his nose now. What's worse is his cold has come back and he is very snotty, and we keep having to wipe his nose... ouch! Poor boy.

With him feeling sick all the time lately, we ended up not going to any swimming classes this term. Hopefully he will start feeling better now that the weather is starting to warm up slightly.

One thing I forgot to mention that got us really stressed out was him not wanting to bath. He just went off it all of a sudden... with no warning or whatsoever. It went on for 3-4 weeks. It's a good thing he's back to enjoying his bath and I'm crossing my fingers that he won't go back to hating it.

That's basically sums up the month :)