Sunday, May 23, 2010

Disney On Ice

The day has finally arrived for us to go to Disney on Ice. It was nearly 2 months ago that I bought the tickets and Ryan had waited very patiently for the day to arrive.

We went with my mum to the show which lasted for about 1.5 hours and Ryan sat there the whole time. That was quite a record as it's hard to get him to sit through something that last for an hour. When asked if he enjoyed the show, he said yes and his favourite was Mr Incredible. That was the main reason we went!

Here are some photos taken at the show.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Costume Day

It was costume day at daycare yesterday and Ryan wore his Chinese suit. I was afraid that it may have been a bit small for him but luckily it fitted him perfectly.

We were told that he was a prince on that day and one of his teachers was Cinderella. He was dancing with her and even had her glass slipper. It sounded really cute and funny when his teacher told me.

The background on the photo is not the best as it was taken in the morning and we were in a hurry to get out of the house.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day this Sunday and daycare helped the kids to make gifts for all mums. I thought I'll post the gift that Ryan has made for me.

He made a gift box by painting a cardboard box and gluing glitters at the top. I think he was probably the one that painted the box (with the help of his teachers) and put the glitters on top. They were then given a heart that looks like a hard cookie which they painted and made into a necklace. The necklace was then put in the box.

Here's a photo of my lovely gift.

Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra

Ryan and I went to the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra concert last weekend. It was to introduce kids to different instruments. Unfortunately, he did not like it at all. He didn't want to join in the dancing or singing. Luckily we sat at an area where he was able to move around without disturbing anyone. He clapped so hard when the guy said it was the end of the show. I think he was really glad that we could finally leave :)