Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Xmas everyone. I hope all of you had a joyful and happy day. Our day was spent with our families and we had a wonderful Xmas.

Milk and cookies for Santa
Santa finished his cookies and milk
We can really see how much Ryan has grown up this year. He's no longer afraid of Santa and did a very good performance at his school concert. He knows Xmas a bit more this year. We got him to put some milk and cookies for Santa on Xmas eve. It was quite funny this morning. He usually wakes up very early in the morning but for some reason, he slept in this morning. He would have still been sleeping if he didn't hear his grandma arrived.

We started the day by opening presents at home.As usual, he was showered with lots of presents. We have to do a real tidy up of all his toys as we do not have anymore space for his new toys. Then we went to Grandma's for lunch. After lunch, we had some fun in the garden shooting each other with water guns. Late afternoon, we went to Por Por and Koong Koong. Ryan had more presents and we stayed for dinner. It was a very long day but we had lots of fun.

Some of the presents, more on the way

Opening a present from Santa
A present from Grandma
These are some of Ryan's presents

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tinytown Concert 2011

We were so proud of Ryan today. He had his end of year concert today. He has always not perform in the past but he was the 'star'of the show this year. We were so happy seeing him on stage enjoying the performance with his friends. Here are a couple of short clips. The sound is not that great but hope you will enjoy them.

Attached are also a couple of photos of Ryan with Santa. These are his best photos with Santa. I took him to the mall after picking him up from school. We reached Santa's grotto and I asked if he wanted to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas. He was nervous inititally but Santa was really good with him.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Friends from Tinytown

These are some of Ryan's friend from his class at Tinytown.

With Hayden
With Hayden & Gavin
Acting silly. The boy next to him is Mateo.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Little Wong Fei Hoong

My parents got this costume for Ryan from Sydney

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 2010

Where did the time go? It's been nearly 2 months since I was here. Other than being a pain, there has been nothing much to tell about Ryan. It must be one of those phases again that we have to go through.

Here's a photo of him with a puzzle that he did. We helped a little but he would have did more than 90% by himself. Pretty good if you ask me.

They must be rehersing for their concert at school as he performed for me when we got home today. I got him to do it again for the camera so you guys can enjoy it too :)