Sunday, November 25, 2007

Walk in the Park

It was a nice sunny day in Auckland today and we decided to take Ryan for a walk at Western Springs. It was the first time he's gone to the park. Well, not exactly but it was his first time walking round a park. It's not that we are lazy or don't want to take him out. In fact, we have been wanting to do it for ages but it hasn't been easy with both of us working. We only have the weekends to take him out and he has swimming lesson on Sunday, and he usually sleeps most of the day after that as it really tires him out. That basically leaves us Saturday only. That is fine except that the weather hasn't been good. You will know what I'm talking about if you live or have lived in Auckland :)

Anyway, we finally got our chance today. I know it's a Sunday today but we decided to take a chance after he woke up from his nap. We played on the swings at the playground for a while and walked one lap round the pond. No, we didn't feed the ducks but he didn't take much notice of them. He enjoyed it though as he didn't even fall asleep like he usually does when out for a walk. It was a new environment for him and there were lots happening. I think he was trying to absorb everything. He was asleep in 5 minutes when we were on our way home.

Attached are a some photos of him on the swings.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Chomp! Chomp!

As promised earlier, I have attached a photo of Ryan with his teeth (if you enlarge the 1st photo, you will be able to see 4 teeth). Finally!!! It has been quite a mission but I did it. We were giving him a bath and he was happily splashing in it. That was when I thought it will be quite nice to take some photos. So out I went to get the camera. We were just clicking away and got quite a lot of good shots and a couple that show his teeth. Since he looked so cute, I thought I will attach more than 1 photo. Don't worry, there is no indecent exposure here.

For those that are wondering... yes, he takes his bath in a bucket in his bedroom. That is because it's so much easier and safer than the big bath. A hint for those who have a newborn or yet to have a baby :p

By the way, the reason the bath water looks a bit murky is because we have his eczema cream in it. We use the cream to bath him instead of soap. That's to keep his skin moisturise.

Time to watch my Shortland Street...

Sunday, November 18, 2007


It's not a very good photo but this is my little Picasso's first masterpiece. He did it at daycare about a month ago and it has been made into a calendar for 2008. They put some paint on his hands and let him print them on a piece of paper. He has done another one since but they kept it at daycare. He's such a clever little boy. He wouldn't have done it if he is still at home with me during the day... not yet at least. It will be too much of a mess for me to clean up.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


My poor little darling is sick this weekend. His daycare called for us to pick him up yesterday as he was vomiting. Ashley got off work and came home with him. He seemed happy enough when he saw him but he vomited on him after he gave him some formula. We took him to the doctor later and he said he has a tummy bug and probably got it from daycare. We took him to my parents after the doctor visit as it was nearby. My mum made him some congee. He was happily eating it and then... bleeeaaahhh... yes, he vomited everything out.

He is not feeling any better today. He has only vomited once but has been sleeping the whole day. When he is not sleeping, he is grizzling. He has a temperature too. Poor boy... he looks so unhappy today. Although, he was really happy when we gave him a bath. That was the only time we saw him laugh today.

I hope he gets better soon *sigh*

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Class Photos

I finally have them... Ryan's daycare class photos, that is. He got in to daycare in time for them. It was his 2nd day of being a full timer there. We were told that all the kids were really good that day... no crying or whatsoever from any of them.

The first photo is his profile photo. Isn't he gorgeous? The photographer did a really good job. I don't know how he/she did it but Ryan actually posed for the photo!!! He usually looks away when I try to take his photo.

The other photo is of him and his teachers and classmates. If you look at the photo properly, you will noticed that there is only half a NZ European and that's him hehehe. Although, there were 3 absentees as the photos were taken during the school holiday period. In saying that, even if they were there, there would only be one other NZ European. This shows how multi racial NZ has become.

Ashley and I call the teacher that is carrying him his girlfriend because he's with her every time we go there :)

Anyway, enjoy the photos.