Sunday, November 18, 2007


It's not a very good photo but this is my little Picasso's first masterpiece. He did it at daycare about a month ago and it has been made into a calendar for 2008. They put some paint on his hands and let him print them on a piece of paper. He has done another one since but they kept it at daycare. He's such a clever little boy. He wouldn't have done it if he is still at home with me during the day... not yet at least. It will be too much of a mess for me to clean up.


Puffy said...

Yeap!!! Look like he have the talent!!! Don't forget to frame it up and hang it up on the wall "mummy", it is priceless. :D

Anonymous said...

Poor Ryan! Hope he is feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

OH and I think his Art work is really good. Make sure you frame it. Definitely very abstract. I love the colours he's used.:D

Philip Yeong said...

can't wait to see the next picture, hope he is feeling better soon