Sunday, August 1, 2010

Party and Movie

Children nowadays have such a busy social life. Ryan has lots of parties lately. He went to a birthday party at an indoor rock climbing place. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take any photos as he wasn't brave enough to climb on his own. There were only a couple of walls that he was able to do and even then I had to hold on to him. The part he liked best was letting go and floating back down on the floor :)

We took him to the movie after the party... his first real movie. He has been asking for a long time to go to Toy Story 3 but we have been busy and haven't been able to do it. Anyway, I have to say he was pretty good. He only asked to go to the bathroom once. It's pretty safe to say that we can take him to the movies if it was for something he really want to watch.

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