Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last School Visit

Ryan went for his last school visit. He was very excited on the way there but we were very surprise at his reaction when he was in class. He started crying really loud and was holding on very tightly to me, all the while saying he didn't want us to go and that he wanted to go home. What was more surprising was he had 2 of his friends from Daycare in that class. The teacher had to separate him from me.

By the way, he was in a different class today. It was the last visit for all the rest of the kids that were visiting and they had to assess them so they know what class to put them into.

When we went back to pick him up, we were told that he was fine after a little while. He told the teacher that he missed us. He did enjoy himself though and that's all that matters.

Instead of taking him back to Daycare, we had the day off work and took him out for a bit of fun. The main reason for that was because his friends at Daycare had gone on a field trip and it wouldn't be nice to take him back there. We ended up going to a park and he was a very happy little boy.

Here's a video of his first time on a flying fox.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

On His Bike

Here's a very short clip of Ryan cycling without any training wheels. The battery was flat on my video camera and that was all I could capture.

It was pretty much his first time on a two wheeler. He was a bit wobbly at first but got the hang of it pretty quick. It took about 2 minutes for him to master it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Primary School

No, Ryan hasn't started primary school yet but it's not long to go. He is turning 5 in February and we are near the end of November.

We have enrolled him to Pakuranga Heights Primary School and his first day of school is 7th February. It will be the 2nd week of the first term which works out to be quite good.

We have bought his Summer uniform and here are a couple of pictures of him wearing them. He was so excited when he tried them on and we couldn't wipe the smile of his face.

He has been for a couple of school visits. The first one was last week. He was excited but got quite shy when we got there. He and some others were in a class with some new entrants for about an hour and a half. They were taught the alphabet of the day and did some colouring as well. He thought it was good fun

He had another visit this morning but this time round we let him stay till after morning tea to give him a chance to socialise more with the other kids. We noticed a difference in him as soon as we got there. He was so much more confident and wanted to join in as soon as we got to the class. At morning tea time, he was very happy as he saw some of his friends from Daycare.

His next visit is next week and then that will be it till he starts next year. Wow! My boy is really growing up. It's scary but exciting at the same time :)